Large Employers

Discover the Solution to High-Cost, Low-Value Group Health Insurance

If you are frustrated by the relentless rise in group health insurance premiums that cost the business more and give employees less, you’re not alone. There is a new way to provide excellent employee health benefits without group health insurance. This ACA-compliant strategy uses the 2020 ICHRA regulations to let employees choose the health benefits that best fit their needs. At the same time employers get to decide how much to invest and develop the best strategy to meet their business objectives.

The Problem with Traditional Group Health Insurance

Most companies invest in group health insurance because great employees are hard to find and you can’t grow a business without them. The problem comes every year around renewal when your group health insurance premiums come back with a large increase for the next year. You have limited options, raise the deductible, let the company absorb the price increase, pass along more expense to employees; none of which are a good outcome.

The fact is, it can only take one or two sick employees to cause a spike in premiums. This puts you as an employer in a tough spot. You want to take care of your employees who are heavy users of healthcare but you can’t risk alienating your healthy employees with a share of health insurance premiums that are unaffordable.

An ICHRA-based approach to employee health benefits has none of these conflicts and no exposure to individual employee health or healthcare choices. Employers can invest in their employees’ health instead of spending money on a group health insurance policy that doesn’t suit the diverse needs of their workforce. 

The New Way to Provide Great Employee Health Benefits

It’s called an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA), and it’s transforming how businesses approach employee health benefits. Replacing traditional group health insurance with an ICHRA strategy gives employers control over cost and employees more healthcare choices and better catastrophic coverage.

With ICHRA, you set a budget that your business can afford. Instead of paying exorbitant premiums for a plan that doesn’t serve everyone, you contribute to employees’ individual health insurance or other health solutions they choose for themselves. It’s flexible, cost-effective, and completely tailored to your objectives.

Our ICHRA-based approach eliminates 100% of the challenges that come with traditional group health insurance. This strategy layers great first-dollar health benefits with affordable catastrophic protection for healthy folks and ICHRA to subsidize individual health insurance for employees who need it.

Why Are Business Leaders Turning To An ICHRA Strategy?

  • Cost Control: You decide how much to contribute. No more unpredictable premium hikes.
  • Customization: Employees pick the plans that fit their needs, not a cookie-cutter group policy.
  • Simplicity: Avoid the administrative burden of managing a complex group insurance plan.
  • Employee Satisfaction: Empower your team with options they value and use.
  • ACA Compliance: An ICHRA-based benefits strategy meets ACA requirements.
  • Eliminate Unlimited Health Risk: No more surprise renewal spikes from unknown employee health risk.

Why Haven't I Heard About This from my Broker?

If ICHRA sounds like the solution you’ve been looking for, you might wonder why your insurance broker hasn’t mentioned it. Insurance brokers focus on selling traditional group plans because that’s what they’re accustomed to. They may not be equipped to guide you through innovative solutions like ICHRA that would eliminate the need for their services. At the end of the day, they are compensated to sell insurance, not alternatives.

It’s the same game every year, at the last minute your broker comes back with another blistering renewal increase. It’s always too late to shop around for something better. Your broker suggests raising the deductible or switching to a new carrier to reduce the rate increase. It’s the classic insurance renewal trap, and there’s no way out. So you bite the bullet, bump up the deductible, and renew for another year, hoping for a better break next time. The insurance company pays the broker, and the cycle continues.

That’s where we come in. We specialize in helping businesses look at ICHRA as a replacement for traditional group health insurance. We guide you through every step of the evaluation process, ensuring it’s the right fit for your team and your bottom line.

Let's Explore Your Options Together

Switching to ICHRA-based employee health benefits can be done at any time. This process usually takes 90-120 days for most groups. After that, shocking insurance renewals are a thing of the past.

If you’re tired of the endless cycle of rising costs and shrinking benefits, it’s time to take a fresh look at employee health benefits. 

Schedule a free consultation today, and let us help you evaluate whether ICHRA is right for your organization. Together, we can create a benefits strategy that’s cost-effective, sustainable, and valued by your team.

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